For many people in New York, marriage can seem like it will last forever, which is why so many people take a financial hit when one spouse suddenly presents them with divorce papers. That is why it is so important to set up the proper financial protection in case of...
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Month: December 2020
Should you settle your divorce or go to court?
Ending a marriage is one of the most stressful situations anyone can go through, especially when children are involved and regardless of how long they have been married. A big part of the anxiety most people feel is over the process itself and not knowing whether to...
How can you write a co-parenting plan?
The divorce trial in New York is over, and you've both been awarded joint physical custody. Now it's time to figure out a co-parenting plan. Negotiating with your former spouse might sound challenging, but it's the best way to provide a stable environment for your...
Is the cost of living factored into child support payments?
If you're paying child support in New York, several factors can influence the amount that you're ordered to pay each month. The court typically takes your income into account as well as your spouse's income and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. If...