Who pays for your attorney in a divorce?
Divorces can have a high financial cost to you. If you are considering divorce, you may wonder how you can pay for your attorney.
Here are some considerations for paying for your attorney in your divorce.
Who pays for legal costs?
If you do not have the financial means to acquire adequate representation, but your spouse does, your spouse will likely pay your legal costs. This arrangement also tends to be the case if there is a significant difference in incomes and you cannot acquire the same level of representation as your spouse.
Are there exceptions to payment?
If you and your spouse individually earn a high income, even if there is a significant difference in incomes, your spouse might not pay any portion of your attorney fees. This situation will likely happen if you can afford the same representation level despite an income disparity.
What about inflated costs?
If there is evidence that you inflated your legal costs or are unwilling to settle without good reason, the courts might not require your spouse to cover those costs. Additionally, if you have the means to pay for your divorce and there is proof that you caused your spouse to incur unnecessary financial costs, you could find yourself paying for your spouse’s legal fees.
Settlement tends to be a less expensive option for you in a divorce and is typically encouraged by the courts. If your potential financial situation concerns you following your divorce, you can consider using your allotted funds to settle.