What Happens When You Need To Change A Family Court Order?
It can be difficult to resolve family law issues, and everyone does his or her best to create agreements that can work as far as possible into the future. But circumstances change, and family court orders sometimes need to be modified. You may need to secure a modification, or you may need to oppose a petition to modify.
Child support and child custody are two of the most common issues that parents will repeatedly come across during and after a divorce, depending on a whole host of factors. Whether one parent chooses to relocate, loses a job or something else causes a substantial change of circumstances, modifications can be made to a custody or support agreement.
We also assist those seeking to modify an alimony arrangement or any other type of family law order.
What Do I Do If Things Have Changed?
Even if a family court order no longer fits your circumstances, you need to keep following it for the time being. Not adhering to an original or modified order can result in contempt proceedings that can lead to fines and even jail time. Our office can help you understand and navigate all these issues until we can secure a modification for you.
At Patrick M. Noe, Jr., Attorney at Law, we understand what it takes to secure a modification from a family court judge. Those judges will be looking for evidence of a significant change in circumstances before they grant a modification. We will clearly and persuasively present evidence of a new job, changed living conditions and any other circumstances that can justify a modification.
We Will Help You Modify Your Order
Let us help you secure an updated family court order that reflects your life as it is now, not how it was when the original order was drafted. To learn more about how our attorneys can help you, call 716-803-8741 or contact our lawyer online for an initial consultation. Our office is located in the Buffalo, New York, area.